APES 2011-12


AP Environmental Science: 2011-2012

Academic Expectations

This is a very fast-paced course. You will be expected to do reading and note-taking outside of class in order to be prepared for each day’s work. In order for you to master the content required and be prepared to take the AP exam in May, all curricula must be completed by April break. You must be disciplined and committed to keep up with this fast pace.

Curricular Requirements

  • The course provides instruction in each of the following seven content areas:
    • Earth Systems and Resources
    • The Living World
    • Population
    • Land and Water Use
    • Energy Resources and Consumption
    • Pollution
    • Global Change
  • The course provides students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world. The curriculum draws upon various scientific disciplines.
  • The course includes methods for analyzing and interpreting information and experimental data, including mathematical calculations. Calculators are not permitted on the AP exam and therefore will not be permitted in class.
  • The course teaches students how to identify and analyze environmental problems, to evaluate the ecological and human health risks associated with these problems, and to critically examine various solutions for resolving or preventing them.

Behavioral Expectations

  • Respect other students’ desire to learn and listen attentively.
  • Be cooperative and maintain a positive attitude.
  • Have no truancies and no more than one unexcused tardy per quarter.
  • Be quiet and ready to start working (have materials ready) by the bell.
  • Act appropriately and safely during lab work.
  • Clean up thoroughly when you leave the classroom.
  • Tell me ahead of time if you will miss a test (an e-mail from your parents would be appreciated).
  • Turn in labs and homework on the day due.
  • There is absolutely no eating in class.

Absence From Class—Makeup Work is Your Responsibility

1. Unexcused absences receive no credit. Major assignments that are late will receive a 20% late assessment for each day that they are late.

2. Check the Make-up work folder for any important material that you have missed.

3. School Policy is that you have one day for each day absent to complete all missed work for excused absences.  This does not include missed days due family vacations or other visits.  Missed tests or quizzes must be scheduled with the teacher within 5 of days of your return. Failure to do so will result in a zero. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE UP THE WORK.

4. If you are present at any time during the school day an assignment is due, the THAT DAY. If you check out or check in and fail to turn in an assignment due on that day, you will receive a zero.

5. If you have an excused absence and an assignment is pre-assigned due on the day you are absent, it must be turned in before the day you are out. Failure to do so will result in a zero.

Academic Information

1. Notebooks

You are expected to keep a neat, well-organized notebook that contains notes. Als0 have one binder with dividers that you will use as a file to keep copies of all handouts and returned materials.  In many incidences, handouts such as copies of powerpoints will become you review guide for exams.

 you will also require highlighters, pens and pencils

2. Assignments

All questions from the book or labs MUST BE IN COMPLETE SENTENCES in order for you to receive credit for the assignment. All sentences must be grammatically correct and legible.

 All labs must be typed and completed the proper format. Drawings must be completed in pencil, and include all required detail.

All assignments are due at the beginning of class.  No printing will be allowed in class.  If you have issues with either your printer or computer, you must e-mail the teacher a copy of the assignment and present a hard copy the next day.  Failure to do so will result in a zero.

3.  Lab Expectations

While working in the laboratory, you will have important responsibilities that do not apply to other classrooms. You will be working with materials and apparatus that, if handled carelessly or improperly, have the potential to cause pain serious injury or death. A science laboratory can be a safe place to work, if you are alert, cautious, and follow directions with care. The practices listed below should be followed :

Laboratory Preparation –

  • Read the procedure and complete the pre-lab assignment before coming to class. Follow the directions precisely (but paraphrase them) and make note of any changes in procedure given.
  • Eye Protection – Wear safety goggles at all times when doing an experiment involving chemicals. If a chemical splashes into your eye, use the wash fountain by irrigating your eye continuously for 15 minutes. Notify the teacher immediately. Never direct water from the faucet into the eye as the high pressure may cause more damage.
  • Conditions of Work Area – You should maintain a work area that is free of books, coats, book bags, chemical spills, excess chemicals, and trash. No objects should be on the floor as this may cause someone to trip and fall. Cleanup spills immediately and contact the teacher.
  • Disposal of Waste Material – Waste paper, towels, and other trash must be discarded in the wastebaskets; waste chemicals in the labeled waste containers. Do not throw matches into wastebaskets except after running water over them.
  • Chemical Spills on Your Body – A safety shower is located in the laboratory and should only be used to wash chemicals from your body if the sink is not sufficient. Contaminated clothing should be removed as soon as possible.
  • Fire on You or Your Lab Partner – STOP, DROP AND ROLL. Someone should immediately retrieve a fire blanket to roll in. Never wrap a fire blanket around someone who is standing up, as this will cause the fire to rise to the head and chest area. If you are near the safety shower, get under it instead.
  • Fire in the Laboratory – Notify the teacher immediately if any smoke or fire is seen and then follow their instructions.
  • Accident Reports – Report any accident to the teacher immediately, no matter how minor. This includes any burn, scratch, cut or contact with corrosive liquid (acid or base). Also report any defective or broken equipment and other potential dangers at once. But most important remember to stay calm.
  • Safety Stations – Know the location of the emergency shower, eye wash fountain, fire extinguisher, safety goggle storage, and exits.
  • Personal Care – Confine long hair with a band, hairpins or a hairnet, to keep from chemicals, flame, or dissectible material.
  • Wear the appropriate footwear for the activity. Use a lab apron if wearing inappropriate clothing for the lab activity.
  • Eating and Drinking – Since there is a possibility of food substances becoming contaminated, no eating or drinking is allowed in the laboratory.
  • Laboratory Conduct – Be courteous and exercise common sense. There will be no practical-joking, running, pushing or horse-play.
  • Unauthorized Experiments – Under no circumstances should you conduct any experiment other

than those that have been assigned, unless you have discussed it with me and have the teacher’s permission.

  • Hands – Wash your hands in the sink before you leave the lab. Avoid touching your eyes and face. Under no circumstances are you to apply make-up in class.
  • Electrical Appliances – Always remove an electrical plug by the plug and not the cord.

4. TestsTests count 100 points each. Tests will be so constructed as to mirror the format of the AP exam that will be administered in May. Several of the exams this semester will be graded according to AP rubrics to better prepare students for a successful AP exam in May. Example of each type of AP exam questions:

Multiple Choice:

According to the World Bank what is the predicted stabilization number for the worldwide population?

A. 11 billion

B. 9 billion

C. 8 billion

D. 15 billion

E. 30 billion

OR: Answer all parts of the questions

The 1990 United States census revealed that for the first time, a majority of Americans live in suburbs of major cities or in suburban-like communities.

A. List three factors why this trend may not be sustainable from a resource point of view.

B. Explain why each of the three reasons you have listed is not sustainable and the possible consequences of each.

C. What national public policy decisions made the United States into a suburban country as opposed to Europe that is largely urbanized?

D. Many environmentalists think the 21st century as the “Century of the City.” State whether or not you agree or disagree with this statement and include three reasons as support.

5. Final Exam/Project

At the end of the first semester (midterm exam) you will be given a comprehensive exam based upon all of the unit tests for that semester. This test is worth 15% of your final grade for the course. A final project will be assigned after the April break. This will be a required project and cannot be excused.

6. Grading System

Your semester grade will be made up of the following components:


Class work, Homework And Quizzes 15%

Labs 35%

Note that labs are weighted 35%. This is because after your successful completion of the

AP exam, it is possible to receive both lecture and lab credits for this course at the university level.

This may vary among universities and may also be dependent upon whether you score 3, 4 or 5 on

the AP exam.

Grades will not be rounded up.  There will not be any dropped scores.

7. Late Work:  All work is due at the beginning of class on the date it is due. Excused absences will be allowed to turn in work as per school policy (see student handbook). Major assignments that are late will receive a 20% late assessment for each day that they are late.

8. Cheating:  Cheating of any nature will not be tolerated. Strict adherence to the school Honor Code Policy in this regard is observed. Please refer to your Student Handbook. It is expected that all work you complete in class is a product of your own effort. It is expected that you do not share information in between classes or electronically concerning gradable experiences.

Honor Code: Cheating is defined as “the giving or receiving, in any form, information relating to a gradable experience.” Violations of the honor code will result in a zero for the assignment, plus an honor code violation form placed in the student’s disciplinary file. Read the handbook carefully to fully understand what constitutes a violation.

Finally, it is my expectation that every student will be successful in this class. I have very high expectations for my students both behaviorally and academically and I’m very confident that you will meet or exceed those expectations.


Students or parents may contact me at any time by e-mail at claubach@lenoxps.org

The teacher will be available to help students before and/or after school by appointment only.



My signature below indicates that I have read and understand each of the behavioral and academic expectations for AP Environmental Science.


Student Signature____________________ Parent Signature___________________


Student Email (please print)


________________ Parent Email (please print) ______________________